Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update: September 16th

Very little has changed with me....

Right now I spend one night in a hostel to get a good night sleep and then spend 2 nights outside. The hostel in Boston costs 35 a night and there is one in Everett that costs 25 but that one is only on a bus line.

I have housing applications in everywhere but it is going to take time.

The City of Cambridge wants close to $1400 for unpaid parking tickets going back to the 80's when I was a cab driver. Back then cabs were used to deliver packages and we were told that Yellow Cab would pay most of them but when Yellow was sold to Brattle Cab the new owner decided to stick it to the drivers. Only now has the Registry been notified. I will never be able to pay those off with my monthy disability check.

I am having trouble getting around because of my leg....I should be resting it but can not.

I can use prayers.

Also if anyone knows a good lawyer that can help me with my parking ticket problems PLEASE E-MAIL ME


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